Blaise Genest personal page

Blaise Genest

Blaise Genest


  • Senior CNRS Researcher (DR2)
  • Research topics with IPAL

My research focus lies at the interface of Formal Methods and Artificial Intelligence (AI): 
I analyze AI tools using formal methods to develop trusted AI, and vice-versa, 
I develop formal techniques that uses AI tools to efficiently handle large systems. 

Stochastic Models: Markov Chains, MDPs, DBNs, Rabin’s Probabilistic Automata, Populations.

Applications: Multi-level systems, Security, Systems Biology.

Background: Automata and Verification, Distributed Systems, Games Theory.

  • Collaborators at IPAL

Kuldeep Meel, Reza Shokri, Jin Song Dong, Hwee Kuan Lee, Nicholas Asher

  • Supervisions at IPAL
  • Link to webpage

You can know more about me here: